Enhanced Family Foster Care Program Model
To meet the needs of the ever-changing foster care population in New York City, Saint Dominic’s Family Services (SDFS) utilizes the Enhanced Family Foster Care Model (EFFC). Children in foster care range in age from 0 to 21 years. EFFC recognizes that all children in care have experienced some level of trauma, and their needs may change over time. At SDFS we understand that the needs of children must be supported so that they can reach their full potential.
The EFFC model:
Responds to the needs of the child and family – allows children, parents, and families to receive therapeutic services and support, assessing a full menu of options with less separation into different programs.
- Birth families as well as foster families in EFFC placements will receive enhanced case management as well as a full array of services, treatment, and supports to help them thrive.
- The model strives to decrease the number of movements children in foster care experience. It takes into account the child’s behavioral and treatment needs, thus allowing for the flexibility to manage the services needed by the child and family.
- Foster parents will be trained in this model and supported by SDFS. The goal of our Enhanced Family Foster Care program is to have every child achieve permanency via reunification with parents, relatives, friends, and/or adoption through foster care.
Article 29-I Clinic
The Article 29-I Clinic is an integral part of the Enhanced Family Foster Care program model that applies to all children within foster care. The Article 29-I Clinic is a program designed to work with Voluntary Foster Care Agency’s (VFCA) responsible for the care of enrolled foster care children to provide medical and mental health services.